Friday, December 14, 2007

SYSOPENDIGIA.Image.Expo.Dev.Edition.v3.4.3.S60v3., S ymbianOS9.1.Cracked-BiNPDA Options

The perfect presentation and demonstration tool lets you show your phone''s screen on any PC. Connection is established via USB, Bluetooth or TCP/IP.

ImageExpo is the ideal presentation and demonstration tool for Symbian devices and applications: ImageExpo enables displaying the phone screen on a PC or video projector in real time via Bluetooth, USB or Internet connection. It brings maximum attention and quality to any application, service or device related presentation.

The software consists of two parts: an application installed in the Symbian phone and another application in a PC. ImageExpo connects to the PC and projects the device screen on the PC display. An advanced compression algorithm guarantees seamless data transfer and accurate colour and image reproduction, making the presentation enjoyable for the audience.

The solution functions two ways: ImageExpo users can also remotely control their mobile device with the PC keyboard, enabling for example fast creation of SMS messages.



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